
Sponsorship letter for a visa to Canada: requirements and sample format


On this page we talk in detail about the sponsorship letter: why it is needed, requirements, sample.

A sponsorship letter for a Canadian visa is a document that states that one person will partially or fully cover another person’s travel expenses.


In fact, such a letter is written in free form, that is, there are no strictly established forms, but there are mandatory elements that it must contain. We will talk about this in the article.


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When and for whom is a sponsorship letter required?

Logically, a sponsorship letter is required when the trip is sponsored not by the applicant himself, but by another person. This may be caused by lack of work or insufficient funds in the applicant’s account.

There are cases where a sponsorship letter for a Canada visa will be strictly necessary. Let’s look at who needs such a document and when.

Who needs a sponsorship letter:

  • unemployed;
  • minors (under 18 years of age);
  • non-working pensioners (in most cases);
  • full-time students.

Who is recommended for sponsorship:

  • those whose income cannot be verified;
  • applicants who cannot provide a bank certificate with enough money for travel and living.

Who can sponsor

There is an important rule of sponsorship – a person who has no connection with you cannot become a sponsor.

As a rule, close relatives pay for the trip, but sometimes they are partners or very distant relatives.

In all cases, you must confirm the connection. With relatives – documented (birth certificates, marriage registration certificate, etc.). If there is no documented connection, let the sponsor describe it in the sponsorship letter, and you, as the applicant, provide additional comments in the motivation letter.

The sponsor for a Canada visa must have the appropriate amount in his bank account and also confirm his income. After paying for your trip, there should be funds left in his account for at least several months of stay.

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Additional documents from the sponsor

In addition to the letter itself, the sponsor of your trip must provide a number of additional documents:

  • certificate/statement from the bank;
  • a certificate from work indicating the amount of salary;
  • documents proving the connection;
  • copy of passport.

What should a sponsorship letter contain?

Despite the fact that there are no strict requirements for the letter format, there are mandatory components for it:

  • sponsor’s details: full name, date of birth, series and number of passport, information about when the passport was issued, registration address;
  • data on the sponsored person: the same;
  • timing of the sponsored person’s trip;
  • country of travel – Canada;
  • information about exactly what costs are covered.

The letter can be typed on a computer or written by hand, indicating the date and signature with the sponsor’s transcript below.

Do not forget that the sponsorship letter, like other documents for a visa to Canada , must be translated into English or French.

Sample sponsorship letter for a visa to Canada

sample sponsorship letter (the finished version will need to be translated)

So, sponsorship for a trip to Canada is the key to a successful outcome for those whose income is not high enough or is non-existent.

Minors, in principle, cannot have money, so sponsorship is always strictly necessary for them and a letter is written in all cases, even when the parents travel with the child.

We provide a range of services for obtaining Canadian visas , so if you need help, write to us, we will be happy to help.


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