
Details about finding a job in Canada: methods, agencies, job sites


In this article we talk about the most common ways to find a job 💼: job sites, recruiting agencies, on-site sessions, etc.

The article is useful for those who plan to immigrate to Canada or simply want to go to work. The information is not tied to any specific country, so it will be relevant for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and others.


Once you find an employer, you will need to apply for a work visa or apply for a suitable immigration program, depending on your situation.


Why you need to look for work in Canada

Often the main goal is subsequent immigration . List of main advantages for those who find a Canadian employer:

  • additional points when calculating your eligibility for the most popular immigration program – Federal Skilled Worker ;
  • additional CRS points , which directly affect the chances of moving;
  • compliance with the requirements of federal and provincial programs that require a job offer ;
  • After working for a year in Canada, you will meet the relevant requirement of the Canadian Experience Class program ;
  • you will not need to waste time looking for a job after immigration, which will have a positive impact on your financial situation.

If you do not plan to move to the country on a permanent basis, but just want to work, then the benefits are obvious – higher salaries, experience of living in another country, the opportunity to improve your knowledge of English or French (the official languages of Canada).

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the TOP 20 in-demand specialties in Canada .

The main difficulties when finding a Canadian employer

The fact that Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan are very far from Canada is already a big problem. But there are other difficulties. Read more about them in the list below.

  1. Permission to hire foreigners.Canadian laws are designed in such a way that employers in most cases do not have the right to simply hire a foreigner. To do this you need to get a positive LMIA . This document states that the Canadian company was unable to find a suitable worker among the local population, and an “outside” specialist is required.

    Obtaining such a document is quite problematic, so you must really interest the employer.

    Interesting on the topic

    There are 10 in-demand occupations in Canada for which the process of obtaining an LMIA has been simplified for Canadian employers. It has become easier to find a job using them, and therefore to immigrate.

    Go to article

    There are provincial programs that do not require an LMIA, for example: Rural and Northern , Atlantic Program .

    There are also a number of exceptions that allow you to hire foreigners without an LMIA.

  2. Knowledge of the language.Unfortunately, in most cases you will need some English or French skills. Depending on the specialty, the requirements may be lower or higher. This makes sense, since most professions require interaction with other people.
  3. Difficulty attending interviews.Nowadays online communication, for example, via Zoom or Skype, is becoming more common, but there are still those employers who are in favor of real meetings. In this case, it will be very difficult to pass the interview.

Based on all this, we can conclude that finding work in Canada from Russia and other CIS countries is quite difficult. But, as experience shows, it is possible.

You should not expect that your search for an employer will quickly end in success. In most cases, this is a long and complex process.

How to prepare in advance

Some useful tips that may help you:

  • write a proper resume and cover letter . These are very important documents, on which a lot depends. Follow the links for detailed information;
  • improve your knowledge of one of the state languages. If your profession requires a certain level of English proficiency, then it will be very difficult for you to find a job in Canada without achieving it;
  • increase your work experience, improve your knowledge in the profession for which you are applying.

Need a resume?

We have a resume writing service according to Canadian standards. Leave a request and we will send you the details and answer your questions.

Submit your application

Ways to find a job in Canada in 2024

In this paragraph, we talk about the main options for obtaining the coveted invitation to work in this state. In total we want to highlight 5 main methods. More details about each below.

Submitting resumes to Canadian job sites

One of the most popular methods not only in Canada. You will need a resume and cover letter, which were discussed above.

Your task is quite simple – monitor all popular sites with vacancies and send out resumes. Moreover, you will have to send out a lot, since they will not always respond. Therefore, we recommend creating a table with information: to which company and for which position the resume was already sent, whether there was a response or not.

The main thing is not to give up. There are a lot of vacancies, they are constantly updated, so sooner or later everything should end in success. Of course, a lot depends on your professional qualities.

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LMIA issued for 2020-2022

Sites for finding jobs in Canada

The most popular job sites will be listed here. If that’s not enough for you, then just go to Google and write “Find Jobs in Canada sites”. We recommend these:

  • ;
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  • .

Maintaining a LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a kind of social network that is aimed at employers and professionals. After registering there , you need to fill out your profile: provide all the necessary information about you as a specialist in a certain field(s).

There you can look for work, establish business connections, and interact with other participants. Hiring managers at some Canadian companies review such profiles and may contact them directly if they are interested.

Your task will be to fill out your profile as attractively as possible (in English or French) so that the employer can reach you. We also recommend joining various interest groups and communicating with people with a similar specialty. In general, lead an active life on this site.

By making contacts, people will, for example, be able to recommend you to their employers.

Example of a LinkedIn profile

Job search agencies in Canada

A popular method, since part of the work is done for you. True, you will have to pay for such help.

Recruitment agencies interact with both you (those who want to find a job) and Canadian employers. Their tasks are to accommodate you and also find workers for companies. Therefore, they are interested in you getting a successful job.

Some agencies work in certain professional areas. Therefore, if you find one that is relevant to your profession, then the chances of success will be higher.

If this method suits you, then simply type the query “Recruiting Agencies in Canada” into Google, study the options offered and select the appropriate one.

We recommend reading reviews about such companies, as sometimes scammers come across.

Participation in the Atlantic Program

The Atlantic Immigration Program aims to ensure that employers in certain provinces can hire the missing people for needed positions.

The peculiarity is that these provinces are not very popular among Canadians and immigrants, so there are real problems with labor there. Due to this, this program has simplified requirements for immigration candidates.

One of the main ones is that employers do not need to obtain an LMIA, which was mentioned at the beginning. They simply need to get approval from the relevant province. The best part is that there is a list of such approved companies, which you can find at the link: Atlantic Program Employers .

If you receive a job offer, you are eligible to apply for a temporary permit to work in Canada. This way, you can start working even before the immigration process is completed. The only requirement in this case is that you must file for immigration within 90 days of submitting your temporary work permit request.

In general, all the details on this program are in the links above.

Participation in provincial visiting sessions

Sometimes the immigration service of a certain Canadian province, together with employers, travel to different countries and accept potential immigrants. By taking part in such a session, you can get a job from direct employers if your resume is suitable and the communication goes well.

This method is very popular for immigration under provincial programs . The main problem is that there is no clear information about when and where such a session will take place. Sometimes news about them is published a couple of weeks before the event. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the information on provincial websites and have time to register.

Links to provincial websites can be found at the end of this page .


Finding a job in Canada is quite possible if you have the right skills, work experience and language skills.

You should not expect success in 1-2 months. The job search process often takes much longer, so be prepared for this.


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