
Tourist visa to Canada for Russians in 2024 – instructions for obtaining


Details about independently applying for a tourist visa to Canada for residents of Russia and other CIS countries: list of documents, review period, cost, validity period.

You will need to apply for a visa to Canada for tourism if you plan to explore the sights and local culture, visit numerous malls in big cities, or simply enjoy the nature of this beautiful state.


In the Canadian system there is no such visa, which is called a tourist visa. The Visitor Visa is suitable for this purpose, in the application for which you can already indicate the most precise purpose of the trip (tourism).


If you need help with your application, we have a Canada Tourist Visa service .

You can’t just go ahead and not visit Banff National Park in Canada.

Is it possible to go to Canada now on a tourist visa?

Yes. There are no restrictions specifically for Russians. Also, on October 1, 2022, coronavirus restrictions were lifted. Read more in the article: is it possible to fly to Canada now ?

Is it difficult to get a tourist visa?

Canada is a fairly demanding country towards its applicants, so it is not difficult to obtain a visa only for those who have a good portrait.

Let’s figure out what a good portrait is and who will have the easiest time getting a visa.

  1. Good travel story.

    This means that before this you must have at least several trips to visa countries. The main countries that matter are the Schengen countries, the USA, the UK, and Australia.

  2. Connection with the Motherland: work, real estate, family.

    If at work you were given a certificate indicating the dates of your vacation and information that your place will be kept during the period, this is a reason to return home. But if you only work there for a couple of months, then it will be a weak connection.

    When minor children remain at home, this will be a sufficient connection with the Motherland. But it is important to take into account that a trip that is too long will be considered suspicious.

    Real estate is highly valued, so owning a home is a significant point of security and a reason to return home.

  3. No violations of visa regimes of other countries.

    Late departures, deportations, visa refusals by other countries – all this will negatively affect your chances of getting a visa to Canada.

  4. Authenticity of documents.

    Some sources write that the officer will not be able to check some documents, but we do not know all the possibilities and methods, so you should not falsify documents. If you are caught doing this, then you will be considered an unscrupulous applicant, your visa will be denied and you will be banned for 5 years.

  5. Financial component.

    Canada is a country with a high standard of living and high living costs. Even a short trip will cost you significantly more than many other countries. We recommend that you have at least 800,000 rubles in your bank account.

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Validity and issuance periods of a tourist visa

With a tourist visa, you can stay in Canada for up to 6 months if the officer at the airport does not stamp you with your departure date. If you have such a stamp, leave on the specified date, no later. We have an article on how to legally stay in Canada on a tourist visa .

If we talk about the time frame for issuing a tourist visa, then previously it was 10-20 days. Now, due to the situation in the world, the terms have increased greatly and sometimes reach 1 year.

How much does a tourist visa cost?

The fee for submitting documents for a tourist visa to Canada is 100 CAD, which is approximately 6,858 rubles.

All applicants over 14 years of age will be required to submit biometric data (photos and fingerprints). The biometric fee is 85 CAD, which is approximately 5,829 rubles.

This is what a visa to Canada looks like

Documents for a tourist visa

You can apply for a tourist visa in both Russia and Canada. The visa documents for both options are the same.

  1. International passport.

    You will need 2 blank pages: for the visa and stamps.

  2. Digital photo.

    Currently, documents are submitted online, so printed photographs are not required. Read more about photo requirements for a Canadian visa .

  3. Copies of international passport.

    Completed pages + photo page.

  4. Copies of expired passports.

    Will be required if it contains visas. Completed pages + photo page.

  5. Copy of national passport.

    Photo spread + registration.

  6. Certificate from the place of work.

    This document is required to apply for a tourist visa if you are working. Drawed up on company letterhead.

    The certificate must contain the date, as well as information about the employee (position, salary, length of service, information that the applicant will be on vacation with job protection during the trip).

  7. Statement from the bank.

    The document must contain information with all receipts and debits for the last 4 months, as well as the account number and owner data. The statement is certified by the bank’s seal and the employee’s signature.

  8. Bank reference.

    The document must be on Bank letterhead with information about the account owner and the amount of the balance as of the current day.

  9. For individual entrepreneurs.

    INN and OGRN + letter from the chief accountant with information about income for the last year.

  10. Other documents confirming additional income.

    These could be: pensions, real estate rental, etc.

  11. For minors.

    Birth certificate, as well as a letter from the sponsor and an extract from the sponsor’s Bank.

    If a child goes on a trip without one or both parents, a travel permit from one/both parents, certified by a notary, will be required.

    You must also attach copies of your parents’ passports.

  12. Documents confirming connection with the Motherland.

    These can be any documents that show that after the trip you will return home, for example: real estate certificates, marriage certificates (if the spouse remains in the homeland), birth certificates of children under 18 years of age.

  13. Motivation letter.

    This document can be written in any language, but if it is not English or French, then be sure to translate it into one of these languages. Read more about how to write a motivation letter .

  14. Temporary Resident Visa Application (IMM 5257).
  15. Family Information (IMM 5645 or IMM 5707).
  16. For citizens of other countries.

    A copy of a document confirming legal residence, as well as a copy of temporary registration.

  17. Sponsorship letter and sponsor documents.

    This document will be required for those who cannot sponsor their own trip. Usually these are applicants under 18 years of age, unemployed and simply those who do not have enough money.

    If you have a sponsor, then he must provide financial documents. You must have a connection with the sponsor, for example, a family connection, and this will need to be proven.

    More detailed information about writing a sponsorship letter .

  18. Travel route.

    You can, in a free but understandable form, draw up a plan for your trip and what attractions and places you plan to visit.

Airfare and hotel reservations are not required to apply for a visa. Especially now, when the processing time for applications has increased.

All tourist visa documents must be translated into English or French if provided in another language.

Notarization of the translation is not required. But each translated document must contain the translator’s information (name, telephone, address), the date of translation, as well as the signature and round seal of the company that translated.

According to the rules for submitting documents for a Canada tour visa for Russians, the applicant and his relatives do not have the right to translate their documents.

Translation of foreign passports is not required.

CN Tower – symbol of Toronto (Canada, Ontario)

Submission process

Nowadays, applying for a visa to Canada for tourism takes place online through your personal account on the official website . The registration and submission procedure is described in detail in the article on creating a personal account .

Reasons for refusal of a tourist visa

The reasons for refusals can be completely different, but the majority of refusals are due to the fact that applicants do not meet the requirements of the Canadian government or submit false documents.

The visa refusal letter itself may contain different wording. Let’s look at the main reasons for failures:

  1. There are not enough connections with the Motherland.

    In this case, Canadian Immigration is not sure that you will return home after your trip.

  2. Insufficient financial support.

    This usually happens when the funds in the account are not enough to cover the purchase of air tickets, pay rent and pay for daily expenses.

  3. Data mismatch.

    If there are any discrepancies between the forms and documents, the immigration officer may consider it suspicious.

  4. Previous visa violations.

    Everything is transparent here – do not violate the rules of entry and exit, do not violate the laws of other states, all this can affect your visa to Canada.

Let’s sum it up

The rules for obtaining a tourist visa to Canada and the list of documents are not at all complicated. If you are an avid traveler and follow the laws, you will most likely not have any problems with your visa.

When submitting, follow the main rules:

  • complete list of documents;
  • competent translation;
  • filling out forms without errors;
  • open and honest motivation letter.

And if you have questions about the submission procedure or the list of documents, feel free to ask them through the feedback form.


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