
Reasons for refusal of a visa to Canada and solutions in 2024


We talk in detail about refusal of a visa to Canada: what are the reasons, what does it look like, what to do to get a visa after refusal.

A Canadian visa is a dream for many, but not everyone can get it. Due to the high requirements, applicants are often rejected for various reasons. The documents collected from the list and payment for the application do not provide exact guarantees that a visa to Canada will not be refused .


But don’t give up right away. Refusal is not a death sentence. There are many solutions that will help you get a positive result. To do this, you need to work through all the reasons and apply again. If this is relevant to you, then we have a service for auditing documents after refusal .


The reason for refusal may be incorrect preparation of the package of documents for a visa or failure to comply with all the rules for filling out forms, or the subjective opinion of the visa officer.

Reasons for refusal

Immigration Canada carefully reviews each application for the right to visit the country. Many factors influence decision making. In order to somehow protect ourselves and reduce the risk, we want to talk about the most common reasons for failures.

Financial condition

If you want to get a visa, then you must have an amount in your account that can cover the cost of flights, accommodation and several months of living upon returning home. Insufficient financial security may raise suspicion.

Invalid data

When studying the application, all information is checked thoroughly. In some cases, the immigration officer may call employers or other companies in the applicant’s case.

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Violations in other states

If you have had deportations or visa refusals to other countries, then the Canadian immigration service will definitely notice this and perceive it as a potential threat.

Not enough connections with the Motherland

Lack of real estate, work or business, as well as family ties in the country of residence or citizenship.

Incomplete package of documents

Not all documents were provided when submitting the application. The absence of one of the points may delay the review process or lead to a negative outcome.

Health status

Various diseases that become known during the visa processing process can negatively affect the outcome.

Criminal record

This is not the best argument in your favor. But each case is individual and requires the most serious approach.

One of the main reasons for such a thorough check is the suspicion of a desire to immigrate, so applicants need to provide compelling arguments that will convince the authorities of the temporary nature of the trip to Canada.

If you are interested in the topic of immigration to this country, we recommend our article about ways to move to Canada for permanent residence .

What to do after a Canadian visa is rejected

After receiving a negative answer, first of all, do not despair and be nervous. Quite often it happens that the first attempt is unsuccessful, but after resubmitting the documents a positive response comes.

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What to do and what to do if your visa to Canada is refused:

  1. Conduct analysis.

    Find out which of the factors could have influenced the migration service representative to make a negative decision.

    Understand the reasons for the refusal and the documents that were submitted during the application for the first time.

    To prevent the situation from getting worse, it is better to entrust the repeated collection of documents to professionals. To do this, write to us, we can help you with the audit and fill out the application in the appropriate form.

  2. Assess the chances.

    You need to understand whether it is possible to make changes that will positively affect the outcome of events. If yes, then it’s worth doing.

    If the reasons are significant and it is impossible to correct them, there is no point in resubmitting an identical package of documents. Another refusal will come, after which obtaining a visa to Canada will become even more problematic.

  3. Work out a motivation letter.

    Include explanations about your trip to Canada, as well as biographical details. When preparing it, we recommend that you try to show respect for the officer and the country as a whole.

    Read more about preparing this document in our article about a motivation letter for a visa to Canada .

  4. Do not provide contradictory information.

    When resubmitting an application, the data in the application form should not differ much from the first option, so that the migration service officer does not think that you want to mislead him.

  5. Wait time before next serve.

    After a refusal, do not rush to re-apply. It makes sense to be patient and spend some time and effort on correction.

    If you resubmit the application the next day, officers may have questions regarding the timing of the correction.

    In any case, you need to make every effort to get a positive decision when resubmitting documents.

If you need help, check out our Canada visa application services , we’ll be happy to help.

What does a Canadian visa refusal look like?

A PDF document is sent to your personal account, which indicates the reasons for the refusal with references to the clause in the legislation. Refusal data is also stored in the general database of the immigration service.

At the same time, a refusal of a visa to Canada is not stamped on the passport, since it is sent to the embassy only if the answer is positive.

Frequently asked questions about Canada visa refusal

What are the chances of getting a visa after a refusal?

It is quite possible to do this if you eliminate the reasons for the refusal and prepare all the documents correctly.

If the reasons for the refusal cannot be eliminated, for example, due to health reasons, then you can try to submit documents in the same form. But you need to explain your position in the motivation letter. The chances in this case will be low.

How long does it take before the next serve?

At least two months must pass before submitting a re-application. This is a necessary period of time that will not arouse suspicion and will allow the situation to be corrected.

Is it worth filing an appeal?

In most cases, filing an appeal does not lead to a positive result. This can only be done when the applicant is sure that his rights have been violated.

Is it possible to deposit more amount into the account and apply again?

If previously there was a small amount in the account, and then a significant transfer of funds immediately arrived, then this looks suspicious. The increase in the total amount should occur naturally and be explained in the motivation letter.

How much money do you need in your account to submit?

There is no exact amount. First of all, you must convince the visa officer of your worth.

This could be a certificate of income for the last year, if you receive an official salary, or simply a document on letterhead from the employer, as well as an account statement for the last 4 months.

The approval rate is higher for applicants who have at least 1 million rubles in their account.

Can a non-relative be a sponsor?

Yes, but for this you need to prove proximity. This could be photographs, personal correspondence, etc. Evidence of the relationship should also be explained in the motivation letter.

But to simplify the situation, it is much better if the sponsor is a relative.

What salary must be to apply for a visa?

The approval rate is higher for those whose salary is from 80 thousand rubles. per month.

What are CAIPS and GCMS?

CAPAIS and GCMS are notes, explanations from the officer, that help the applicant understand the reason for the refusal.

CAIPS Notes is a computerized record of all visa applications, which includes comments and interviews.

The GCMS Notes apply to any type of Canadian visa application, whether made within or outside the country.


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